Beverly Hills Boutique Dental Care

Sedation Dentistry

Safely Taking the Anxiety out of Beverly Hills Dentistry

At Beverly Hills Boutique Dental Care, we bond with patients on a deeply personal level, helping you feel comfortable sharing any anxiety or dental fear you’re feeling. The truth is: Many adults and children are actually afraid of seeing the dentist, for a variety of reasons that no patient should ever feel embarrassed about. Our doctors are a partner to you, reliable to provide the safest, most comfortable dental care necessary to achieve your smile goals. We invite everyone to our Beverly Hills dental office, where we want you to share your smile concerns and aspirations with us — always.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

When a patient undergoes sedation dentistry, this means some type of medication is used to help them relax and feel comfortable during any dental procedure. In most cases, patients remain awake during sedation dentistry, however there are times when it’s best to safely sleep while we complete your treatment. Sedation dentistry allows fearful or anxious patients to have more dental work done in less office visits, a major benefit for anyone with a busy Beverly Hills lifestyle. There are different levels of sedation, including minimal, moderate, and deep sedation.

About Our Soothing Sedation Solutions

When discussing sedation dentistry, the first thing our team of doctors want every patient to know is that we won’t recommend something that’s unsafe. Once you visit us for a stress-free consultation, we can start the conversation about our various sedation options, including:

  • Nitrous Oxide – This easily administered gas leaves you feeling relaxed, but the effects wear off immediately after we stop the airflow.
  • IV Sedation – For more in-depth dental treatments, IV sedation works wonders. You wake up with a healthier smile.

Who Benefits the Most From Sedation Dentistry?

For a person tormented by extreme dental phobia or patients with high anxiety, sedation dentistry can sometimes be a true life saver. You won’t know if sedation dentistry can help you, until you start the conversation with us. We’ve found that most patients benefit from it because:

  • Sedation allows nervous or anxious patients to get the dental care they deserve that they might have been putting off out of fear.
  • It can create something called anterograde anesthesia where you’re unable to process any additional buildup of your phobia because you’re feeling so relaxed and comfortable that your mind isn’t worried about creating new, bad memories.
  • Patients with a sensitive gag reflex will notice their issues are less likely to appear under sedation.

Stop avoiding the dentist out of fear, and start loving your oral health with a renewed self-confidence. Talk to us about how sedation dentistry can help.

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