Beverly Hills Boutique Dental Care

Orthodontics and Invisalign® in Beverly Hills

Introducing the Elite, Discreet Way to Balance Your Smile

Have you felt self-conscious about something on or about your own body or appearance? Then because of this, you spend way too much time sizing up your perceived imperfections compared to your competition. Let’s face it: We’ve all done it, and as your Beverly Hills dentist and orthodontist, we can tell you that what bothers so many people is their smile. From the tiniest tilt in your teeth to a more pronounced balance issue with your bite, there are a variety of reasons why teens and adults come to us for trusted, proven Beverly Hills orthodontics and Invisalign clear aligner therapy.

Indulge in Invisalign

By now, most of us have seen the commercials or might even know someone who’s tried Invisalign in Beverly Hills. When this groundbreaking orthodontic process is completed to perfection, the results can be simply stunning.

Using a series of customized, BPA-free plastic aligners, your teeth are gently guided into a predetermined position that we precisely pinpoint using some of dentistry’s most powerful imaging technology. While everyone’s Invisalign journey is unique, most patients can expect to see results in a year or even less.

How Invisalign Benefits You

When you’re looking for the perfect orthodontic solution in Beverly Hills, it’s important to compare your options and speak with our Beverly Hills orthodontists about their specific benefits. For the right candidates, Invisalign is often the first and only treatment they want and can truly benefit from, including:

  • You get the added comfort of working one on one with a trained professional who’s certified in Invisalign.
  • You’re still able to eat the foods you love without compromising your diet to protect your metal brackets and wires associated with traditional braces.
  • The aligners are virtually indestructible and undetectable, so you can feel confident in their durability and invisibility.

What Are Stainless Steel Braces?

Despite new orthodontic treatments gaining the spotlight recently, stainless steel or metal braces are still the most common choice for smile straightening in both teens and adults. What makes stainless steel braces even more appealing to patients is that they’re more comfortable to wear and maintain than ever before. Our orthodontists use only the highest quality, high-grade stainless steel, and other necessary materials to allow for a more comfortable, custom orthodontic experience. Stainless steel braces are a solid straightening solution for so many smiles because they’re proven to be durable and to deliver dependable results using brackets and archwires.

What is an Expander?

As part of the effective orthodontics treatments we offer at Beverly Hills Boutique Dental Care, many patients ask us about the benefits of a palatal expander. These effective orthodontic appliances are generally used for children prior to beginning orthodontic treatment to ensure peak performance and results. How does all of this help you and your little one? It allows us to:

  • Take full advantage of the natural growth process to treat and prevent future dental issues
  • Create more space in a child’s mouth by gradually widening their upper jaw
  • It’s a process that’s painless and easy to manage for patients and parents

You get the benefits of life-changing Beverly Hills orthodontics for a naturally noticeable smile upgrade.


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